Comments on: Revisiting “I have an allergy” Vegan Health, Wellness & Culinary Nutrition Coach Wed, 30 Apr 2014 12:10:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: JL Wed, 30 Apr 2014 03:28:00 +0000 In reply to Chelsea Kenna.

I actually work very closely with people who have food allergies (one of whom suggested I try it last year) so I’m not dismissive to their needs. But I do not believe that writing eggs and dairy in the allergy line of a meal request harms them. You do, and I appreciate your perspective.

I was reading a “rant” going around on FB yesterday about a restaurant server sick of gluten-free requests, stating she doesn’t know who to believe – are they paleo, gluten-free, or truly celiac? The most compelling responses I read were from chefs whose responses were along the lines of “believe everyone” and serve the food requested.
